Saturday, June 24, 2006

Photos At Last!!!

Here is our apartment building as seen from the back, where we enter. I know, you think it looks like any high rise on York Ave. in Manhattan, but trust me, it doesn't!
And here is where we enter the building,as seen from the inside looking out. It's much worse as seen from the other direction!

Then we get to the elevator doors - we forgot the interior shots - actually there was no room to hold the camera up and take a picture in there!

This is the view of our living room fake wood built-ins (although they're not at all built in!) and the door to our bedroom. This is before I put out all my photos and made it more homey.

I forgot about the entry way and the nice little nook where I put the beer glass with the flowers Ed bought me.

And there I am with Belle, working on the blog in my "office," which doubles as a kitchen. You can just see the edge of our sofa in the corner.

Here we see some kids cooling off on top of the vacant building opposite ours, as seen from our apartment window.

Another view from our apartment window - you can see the dome of the Synagogue and the gold domed top of the Cathedral.

Here we have a view of Belle's favorite bathroom spot as seen from the driveway leading into our apartment entrance. I know it looks lovely from here, and it's really not bad, except maybe for the disconnected fountain in the center which now serves as a large pit into which people throw garbage. Not their dogs' garbage however - no one here picks up after their dogs except us!

Poet's Square - the sweet little park that connects Sumskya and Pushkinskya just south of our apartment.

The "candy striped" Blagoveschensky Cathedral - one of only three surviving churches in Kharkiv.

Uspensky Cathedral which was turned into an Organ Hall during the Soviet era and now functions as a concert venue. We haven't been there yet, but we'll go soon.

Kharkiv Train Station - I've actually never seen this view except for Ed's photo because I always arrive by metro, which leads directly into the station.

The interior of Kharkiv Train Station - it's quite a lovely building. I didn't really notice until my third trip there because I was always so concerned about finding the ticket window for "foreigners"!

A woman selling those dolls that fit into one another in Schevshenko Park.

Detail on a lovely pre-war building on Sumskaya Street

The underground shops at "Historical Museum" Metro Station

The "Monument" - a favorite "meeting place" in Kharkiv. I can't tell you how many travel agents I met at the Monument!

The queue waiting to board the mini-van buses that run throughout the city

The trolleys at Constitution Square

Some women exiting the metro on a Thursday afternoon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your photos were worth waiting for. They make your commentary come alive!

7:07 PM  

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